Aufruf zur Teilnahme an der Demonstration im Rahmen der Liebknecht-Luxemburg-Ehrung

am 10. Januar 2010 um 10.00 Uhr vom U-Bhf. Frankfurter Tor zur Gedenkstätte der Sozialisten in Friedrichsfelde Über den vor 95 Jahren vom deutschen Imperialismus entfesselten I. Weltkrieg, den zu kreditieren Karl Liebknecht sich am 02. Dezember 1914 als einziger Reichstagsabgeordneter verweigerte, schrieb Rosa Luxemburg 1916 in der “Juniusbroschüre”: “Der Krieg ist ein methodisches, organisiertes, riesenhaftes Morden. Zum systematischen Morden muss aber bei normal veranlagten Menschen erst der entsprechende Rausch erzeugt werden. Dies ist seit jeher die wohlbegründete Methode der


Treffen der Kommunistischen Initiative in der Jugendbibliothek-Gera e.V.

Die Genossinnen und Genossen der KI-RG Südost trafen sich am 14.11.09 in der Jugendbibliothek Gera zu ihrer nunmehr dritten Zusammenkunft. In der Beratung stimmten sie darin überein, daß die wissenschaftliche DDR-Konferenz „…und der Zukunft zugewandt“, initiiert von der Zeitschrift “offen-siv“, ein erfolgreicher und würdiger Beitrag zum 60. Jahrestag der Gründung der DDR war. Gleichzeitig schätzten sie ein, daß mit dieser Veranstaltung die KI einen großen inhaltlichen Auftrieb erhalten hat.Die KI-RG SüdOst konnte neue Unterstützer in ihren Reihen begrüßen.


Das sollten wir unbedingt wiederholen!

Bericht: Protestzug von Ziegenhals nach Potsdam. Diese Aussage einer Teilnehmerin des Protestzuges bringt es auf den Punkt. Zufrieden gingen wir gestern in Potsdam auseinander.Nachdem wir uns um 9 Uhr morgens in Erkner gesammelt hatten, ging es los zu unserer ersten Station vor die Gedenkstätte in Ziegenhals. Dort erwarteten uns weitere Freunde und Genossen. Nach einer kurzen Kundgebung, ging es dann richtig los. “Protestzug gegen einen Abriss der antifaschistischen Ernst-Thälmann-Gedenkstätte”, “Auf nach Potsdam – Platzeck wir kommen!” so tönte es durch


Eloisa Rule (Great Britain ) – To the issue of a severe split of the international communist movement

The international communist movement suffered a severe split in the 1960’s as a result of Khrushchevite revisionism – a split that has severely weakened it. To repair this split, we must examine its causes. What were the issues which caused the split? The main issues that caused the split and which must be resolved if the world communist movement is going to be able to reunite as a genuinely proletarian revolutionary force are:Revision of Marxist economicsThe reintroduction by the Khrushchevite


Enid Riemenschneider (Denmark) – Capitalism has reached that point which gives truth to the slogan: Socialism or Barbary!

Dear comrades. On behalf of Danish Communist Party I am conveying a warm thank you! to the Prague section of the Communist Party of Bohemia-Moravia for inviting us to this event, and discussion.In a couple of days the rulers of Europe and all the corporate owned mass media will go completely overboard celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the “Berlin Wall”. We see it as the temporary set back of Socialism in Europe. However, these historic events certainly



Full text of the contribution of the CPGB-ML to the 27th Prague Theoretic-Political Conference7. November 2009 The international communist movement suffered a severe split in the 1960’s as a result of Khrushchevite revisionism. The result is that even today, 18 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the communist movement is still divided along the lines of that split into what we might term a pro-Soviet wing on the one hand and a pro-China wing on the other. While


Gyula Thürmer (Hungary) – Twenty Years of Hungarian Capitalism and The Revolutionary Perspective In Hungary

Contribution by Dr. Gyula THÜRMER, president of the Hungarian Communist Workers’ Party The forces of capitalism both in Europe and Hungary make enormous efforts to hidden the fact that the contemporary capitalism is in a deep crisis. They cannot deny the existence of serious problems of capitalism but try to demonstrate that all problems can be solved in the frameworks of capitalism by capitalist reforms. But the truth is that the serious internal crisis of capitalism cannot be solved by


Hassan Charfo (Czech Republic) – Rightists and social democrats frittered away what Communists had built

At the beginning of the CP of Czechoslovakia regime the total assets of Czechoslovakia amounted to about 400 billion CZK (crowns). Obviously, without the value of the land, of our cultural and historical inheritance (monuments and their equipment) and military arsenal. By the end of 1989 this property or the national assets had increased to roughly 3 trillion CZK, that is, more than 7.5 times (the Czech Republic’s share was 5.8 times, and Slovakia’s 11.4 times), with at the same


Marcin Adam (Poland) – The monster of anticommunism and its invisible enemies

The communist and workers movement continues the struggle for the future all over the world. It is obviously at a different stage and level in each country and region. In the countries where communist parties almost don’t exist, as well as in the countries where working class is achieving significant successes, where communist and workers’ parties are ruling the state -the struggle for social consciousness is basically everywhere. In this contribution I would like to focus on those countries where


Nikos Seretakis (Greece) – The counterrevolutionary overthrows do not change the character of the epoch.

Dear comrades, On behalf of the CC of KKE Ι would like to thank you for your invitation. The 18th Congress of KKE, fulfilling the task set forward by the 17th Congress four years ago, dwelled deeper into the causes of the victory of the counterrevolution and of capitalist restoration. This is imperative for the revival of the faith to socialism. For more than a century now, bourgeois polemics against the communist movement, concentrate their fire on the revolutionary core

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